Sunday Too Far Away is an iconic Australian movie from 1975...driving in to Ned's Corner is just like driving into that movie; at any moment you expect Jack Thompson to walk around the corner.
This is the spot that we have finished at today as we get together to begin our trek.
From Wangaratta, Melbourne, Mildura and Buckrabanyule we came together today and rendezvous'ed at Ned's.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to trekking on to somewhere near Woomera, if we get through Port Augusta alive!
Check out Ned's Corner HERE; Trust for Nature have helped us out by donating half of our camping fee to the Flying Doctors, our charity of choice.
Check out Sunday Too Far Away HERE.
This is the spot that we have finished at today as we get together to begin our trek.
From Wangaratta, Melbourne, Mildura and Buckrabanyule we came together today and rendezvous'ed at Ned's.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to trekking on to somewhere near Woomera, if we get through Port Augusta alive!
Check out Ned's Corner HERE; Trust for Nature have helped us out by donating half of our camping fee to the Flying Doctors, our charity of choice.
Check out Sunday Too Far Away HERE.